Life in the warehouse, in New York


We had a good run, me and the warehouse I was working in in New York. It was seasonal work so nothing that I planned on doing for a large chunk of time, but anyways. It was fun, it was good. Met a lot of new people while working at the warehouse in New York. That was a good gateway to city, in some sense. I really think that this job was what got me in to the NY living in the first place. Not the actual work itself, but working with so many great New Yorkers at the warehouse did.

For a long time, I’ve been planning on creating some kind of appreciation post for this period of my life. I haven’t really figured out a way to do it properly, so that’s why it has taken some time. It is now over 24 months since I finished the job ate the warehouse in New York. Since then, a lot of things have happened and I tend to forget where I started. Today, I will travel back in time 2 years and look at what got me where I am today.

Starting a new job

If you would have asked me when I was 15 what I thought I was going to do, warehouse in New York would not have been on the list. No, that was never the plan. I probably wouldn’t have known what working at a warehouse even meant and New York was never the plan. Then life happened and circumstances led to me ending up there. It was actually because of a friend. He had been working at the warehouse in New York 2 seasons earlier. He was going back, and I went with him. That was also a very good thing. Having your close friend working in the same building, already knowing a lot of people. The warehouse in New York would have been a much scarier place for an introvert like myself without him.

The everyday life

I enjoyed life when I was working at the warehouse in New York. I mean, life outside of work was very thrilling and energetic, and that was of course great. But also life at work, at the actual warehouse in New York, was exciting. That made me very happy. It was fun that work was fun. And quite rare, don’t you agree? None of my jobs before or after have been enjoyable in the same way.

I’ll continue this next week. Please leave a comment meanwhile!

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Ni kommer inte att tro mig. Minns ni att jag för ett tag sedan skrev att jag fått ett väldigt märkligt telefonsamtal